Insulate, Cabinet & Wiring

Several smaller jobs this week. I insulate around the side window and permanently install the Tweed Fabric surrounds. Then permanently install the cabinet underneath and pull some wires for a future outlet and some lights. The main job was to connect the gray water valve’s wiring to the 12V circuit and install a ON/OFF switch… Continue reading Insulate, Cabinet & Wiring

DIY Lithium Battery

Today, after a two month long wait, I received my Lithium battery cells form China. I’ve done period purchases through Alibaba and AliEpress now for the last 2 years, mostly below $20.00 each and haven’t had any issues so far. That gave me the confidence to try a $750.00 buy on Alibaba for eight 3.2V… Continue reading DIY Lithium Battery

My Chinese Lithium Battery Cells. Yeah!


Today, after a two month long wait, I received my Lithium battery cells form China. I’ve done period purchases through Alibaba and AliExpress now for the last 2 years, mostly below $20.00 each and haven’t had any issues so far. That gave me the confidence to try a $750.00 buy on Alibaba for eight 3.2V… Continue reading My Chinese Lithium Battery Cells. Yeah!

Building A DIY Lithium Battery

With the Van Build coming to an end, several important projects need some attention. Today I’ll start working on the battery bank of my solar system. Originally, and that was at the beginning of the van build, I installed two 6V Golf cart batteries. This netted me only ~100Ah at 12V nominal. Sufficient for only… Continue reading Building A DIY Lithium Battery