Traction Boards Hardware, Wiring and Countertop

I am working around the kitchen area of the van, to finish the countertop, pull a remaining wire behind the fridge to the battery compartment below it, add some Formica strips to finish the fridge cabinet and to install the traction board hardware. Previously I had temporarily installed the half-finished cover of the induction cooktop,… Continue reading Traction Boards Hardware, Wiring and Countertop

Insulate, Cabinet & Wiring

Several smaller jobs this week. I insulate around the side window and permanently install the Tweed Fabric surrounds. Then permanently install the cabinet underneath and pull some wires for a future outlet and some lights. The main job was to connect the gray water valve’s wiring to the 12V circuit and install a ON/OFF switch… Continue reading Insulate, Cabinet & Wiring

RV Ceiling Insulation

It was time to add some insulation to the ceiling of the van, now that with the Murphy bed installation, access to the ceiling is closing up. I already made the decision to use primarily Poly-Iso and Denim insulation and started to fill the ceiling cross-members with Denim. The cross-members allow for approximately 1-1/2 inch… Continue reading RV Ceiling Insulation