Paper Plywood Templates

Mod: Insulated Floor – Part Two

I use plywood sheets on top of insulation as a sub-floor in the cargo area of the van. To cut out the wheel wells and the C pillars from the plywood, paper templates are made to accurately transfer the shape of the floor in the workshop.

Project Insulated Floor Content

Tie Downs & Wheel Wells
Paper Plywood Templates
Floor Insulation
Fasten Insulation With Glue
Spray Foam Application
Plywood Installation
Hardware & Soft-Ware

What You’ll Learn:

  • How to create a template.

What You’ll Use:

  • Carpenter Square.
  • Pair of Scissors.
  • Marker.
  • Painter’s Tape.

What You’ll Need:

  • Building Paper.

Approximate Duration For This Project: 1 hr.


Making paper templates makes things a lot easier, when I start cutting the plywood in my workshop, but in this case the Ford Transit cargo area needs only two straightforward cut-outs. Dependent on your situation this could be an optional step.

building paperI bought most of the materials for this entire project in advance and temporarily stored the sheets of plywood and insulation in the van. One sheet of plywood is used as the base for the template, as it correctly elevates the template to the correct height.

I’ll save both templates until after the insulation is cut, glued and sprayed on.

Paper Templates

Gather all the tools and materials before proceeding. Regularly fit the materials, to avoid mistakes.

  • Use the a plywood sheet as a flat base, to create the templates.
  • First cut the building paper to the full length of the template.
  • Use painter’s tape to attach it to the border of the plywood.
  • Use a short piece of wood as a yardstick. Make a mark on the yardstick that indicates the width of the wheel well.
  • Slide the yardstick along the wheel well, while marking the template.
  • Mark the start and end of the wheel well on the template.
  • Cut out along the marked line. This enables you to slide the template closer to the wall and check the cut-out.
  • Now do the same at the C pillar.
  • Verify the the template. Be sure to leave a 1/4” space between the wall and the template (sub-floor).
  • Adjust the template, as necessary.
  • Do this on both sides. Roll up and save for later in the project.

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Making the templates was quick and easy and avoids costly mistakes later on.

The building paper used during this part of the project, was acquired locally and the total cost was about $8.00.

Other projects of this Van Conversion:

I’m just a DIY’er with a lot of common sense, but with some of the projects, I use some tools and materials, that require you to really know, what you’re doing. Always read the manual and consult an expert if you’re in doubt.

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